Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Honey, I'm Pregnant.

I found out I was pregnant on a Saturday morning when I just "felt like" taking a test-telling myself it was "just for fun". Jeff was in a test at school all day long and my sister was about to pick me up to go down to Waco for the morning and help her move in. So, I sprinkled my magic on the little stick (which is the most wonderful experience, I might add) and not just one line, but TWO came up!! I was in shock! So, what did I do? I took anoher one. I drank a whole bottle of water in five minutes in order to get what I needed to take another test! Low and Behold- it was positive too! About that time, my sister pulls up! Of course I couldn't tell her before I told Jeff- so what was I going to do for six hours?!?!

We made it down to Waco and back without a word of me being pregnant! While we were down there at Spice though, I got a Baylor "Onesie" (new vocab for us) and had it wrapped up to surprise Jeff with. Now some of you may ask, "how did your sister not suspect something?" I had a brilliant plan- I told her it was for Hillary! I don't think she suspected a thing!!

When I got back from Waco, I immediately handed Jeff the box to open. He first thought it was a little dog shirt and was thinking "AWESOME!" and then he realized what it was. So naturally, he just threw it back in the box and said, "What are we going to use this for?" and he almost got up and walked away, when he looked at me and I had tears in my eyes!! Then you could see the A-Ha moment that he was having!!!

After a tender moment, we headed back out to the drug store to get the Digital pregnancy tests just to "verify" the two tests that had two lines. We wanted it to SAY that we were pregnant. While at Walgreen's, Jeff was definitely telling everyone (and everything) that he was going to be a dad! When we got to the checkout counter and it rang up as $32, Jeff looked at me, and said... "That's like six tests in there, right?" He knew nothing! Somebody out there is making a lot of money off of playing the emotions of women who think they're pregnant. They will pay anything to read the actual words "PREGNANT" or "NOT PREGNANT". I mean really. Can a test like that really cost that much to make???

So sure enough- those turned out positive too!!! As Dr. Bristow put it- If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck- it probably IS a duck! So there you have it!! We're going to be parents!!!!!

1 comment:

Nat Pat said...

congratulations!!! what a fun story!