So I've promised honesty in my blog... so if you aren't up for what I'm about to write, avert your eyes, please!
GOOD BUBBLES-I've begun to feel baby Madeleine move around in my belly! It feels like little bubbles right underneath my belly button. I especially feel her when I'm trying to go to sleep or I've just eaten a good meal. It is my most favorite part about being pregnant so far. I think this is where your glow comes from!!
BAD BUBBLES- On Sunday before the big game, I was having sharp pain on my left side. I mean gut wrenching pressure and I couldn't lift my leg to put my pants on! So, I called my mom and asked her if I should be concerned... (because, of course, moms know everything-what a scary thought that is since I'm about to be a mom and I know nothing!) She told me not to be concerned because it's just GAS! That's right, you heard me. I was a bit gassy on Sunday! Nobody tells you about these things before you get pregnant. So do NOT be concerned if this happens to you... according to my mom, it's just gas!