Sunday, November 25, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

I feel so beyond thankful this Thanksgivng! Baby Brady and I are healthy, and Jeff is so supportive and wonderful. We feel Brady move so often now, and all of his tiny body parts are developing right on schedule! (Okay, so Jeff and Brady's Uncle Ryan don't think that EVERYTHING on him is tiny!) :) We have wonderful family and friends and we feel so undeserving of even the simplest of things during this exciting time.
Jeff, Ryan and I traveled to the Land of Lubbock for Thanksgiving to spend it with our grandparents. (Our grandparents go to the same church and have known each other for longer that we've been alive!!) It snowed big flakes on Thanksgiving and then was just cold the rest of the time. We were thankful for so many things on Thanksgiving, including the overwhelming Cowboys win. But even MORE than that, we are thankful for all of YOU who are a tremendous support and encouragement through this new stage of life. We could easily feel like we're walking blindly through this, but God has so generously given us family and friends who have gone before us and pray for us daily. Thank you ALL for who you are in our lives and what you mean to us. We love you!


Craig, Julie, Sydney & Harper said...

You look so cute! I love your little Brady bump!

Michael and Elizabeth Sullivan said...

You have to be the most adorable pregnant woman I have ever seen!! But, of course you are...b/c you are just so gorgeous!! I hope you are enjoying every minute, and that your holidays are very merry! I miss all of you girls. We should plan a get together soon! Maybe an Interior Design Baby Shower! If you are up for it, I would love to host/help. Oh fun! But no pressure if you have too many showers already. I am just thinking out loud. Love you Becky!