Tuesday, March 31, 2009



Over the last few months, as I would read all of your wonderful stories and achievements of your little ones and your own lives on your blogs, I began to compare my lot with many of yours. Shocking, I know… but it led to lots and lots of worrying. I began getting frustrated with myself and questioning how I was doing as a mommy. Reading on a friend’s blog that her daughter (who is younger than B) was saying ma-ma and da-da and meaning it resulted in thoughts of “maybe I’m not reading enough to Brady”. Reading that a little one has learned to clap and wave, while Brady still doesn’t do any ‘tricks’, resulted in questioning whether or not I spent enough ‘training’ time with him. And don’t even get me started on the sign language thing.

I began to be overcome with worry and anxiety… even to the point of not sleeping. I began to worry that I didn’t love Brady enough because I didn’t want to sit around all day and just stare at him. I questioned how I was parenting. I questioned whether or not we were at home enough, whether we played together enough, whether he was eating all the right things, why he didn’t have teeth (because that just HAD to be my fault) and why he wasn’t reading yet. (Ok, that last one was a joke).

Anyway, the bottom line was that I was discontent. I wasn’t appreciating my little boy for who he was, and his little friends for who they were…. I was constantly comparing. Not comparing in a way that was as if I was saying “my son is better than your son” but in a way that was saying “why isn’t my son there yet”. And I was definitely not appreciating my God for HE is as a result of that constant comparing... I knew that these feelings were definitely from satan himself.

So, in my lamenting, my sweet and dear friend, Becky, challenged me to take a brief hiatus from the blog world to see if that would put things in perspective for me. (She was going to be joining me in the hiatus, but for other reasons). And I must say, God has taught me new things about my precious Little One that I never saw before, or would have probably ever seen. He showed me how to enjoy Brady in precious new ways. He revealed the sweet sense of humor that Brady has. He showed me that Brady is super independent, and likes to figure things out on his own, all the while making sure that his mommy approves. He loves books, not for me to read to him, but for him to look at – on his OWN! He showed me that Brady, too, has a sinful nature as he begins to test limits. Ultimately, God has made it clear to me that Brady is not my child, but His… a gift that has been graciously given to me for His time.


Blogging absolutely SUCKED the life out of my day. I loved it so very much…. But there would just be chunks of my day that were simply gone. When I first starting writing after we had Brady, I had no idea that I would love ‘journaling’ our life change so much, but I did… and obviously a little too much. During B’s naptime, I would sit on the sofa, load pictures, edit pictures, write stories (trying to convey the humor that had been my day) and then Brady would wake up and absolutely nothing would have gotten done around the house. Then, when Jeff would get home, it was not a place of rest for my dear husband. It was a chaotic mess. Instead of enjoying time with him, I would be frantically running around because dishes would be in the sink, laundry would sit on the bed, unfolded of course, and I’d still be in my pajamas. This is NOT a dramatization. Blogging seriously took a place in my life that it never should have had.

With ALL of that said, I am now ready to come back to the Blogging World with a new perspective. I feel like I have a new lease on life. I’m ready to read all of your sweet stories for what they are and I am ready to share all of my stories again in all of their glory – good and bad. So enjoy the massive updates below! Thank you all for being super patient with me in this lengthy message!


Yocumotion said...

I have missed you! But what a neat post and what you said was so honest. I love your little man and I love reading about him! He is just darling and just perfect! Welcome back!! You had me worried!!! xoxoxo

Missy Rooney said...

So glad you are back into the "blogging world" again:) So honest of you. I think every person would be lying if they didn't confess that they have struggled with comparing either their child, marriage, family, or even themselves to others people at some point.

Loved all the updates! I think Brady is looking a lot like your hubby these days!

Karen said...

I am glad to see that you are back, I have missed reading your daily antics. :)

Joanna said...

Becky- I surely appreciate your honesty. I was beginning to wonder if you had given up blogging for Lent, but this definitely makes sense. For awhile I would start to feel guilty for not posting and then when people are able to post everyday I would just marvel at the lack of things I had to post about as well as the lack of time to do so! It's weird how the blog world sucks you in. I think your post is a great reminder of how we should spend each day that God gives us and I am so glad that you are feeling refreshed. Brady is such a precious gift and I love all of the new pictures! He will reach all of those points in his own time and I know that you will continue to be a wonderful mother and cheer him along when he does. Hope all is well and tell Jeff hi for me too!
Joanna :)

Brooks Family said...

You are so genuine and transparent, that's why I love you! And don't feel alone on this-- I think every Mom can say a big AMEN to the comparing and anxiety. I am proud of your new outlook on things and reading your blog encouraged me to get some of my priorities straight. BTW, welcome back :o) I love reading your posts!

Jen said...

Becky - you are one of the most honest chicks I know :) You are a wonderful mom and Brady loves you for it!

For my own selfish reasons though, I'm glad you're back from your blogging hiatus :) I was starting to worry about you!

Anonymous said...

What a great hiatus for God to draw you back to contentment!! EVERY mom does that (including me) and I have to be aware of when it is happening and pray hard against it! I'm glad you are back!!

Kendra said...

Welcome back, Becky! I think I'm a little late in realizing you're back from your haitus as I was one who checked your blog daily...and very quickly realized you were taking a break. Intuition told me why...simply because there have been many times when I've felt like priorities have been shifted because I just had to blog. Yes, it's completely addicting. And Missy's right...we'd probably all be lying if we said we haven't or didn't compare our child (or marriage, family or themselves at some point).
Missed you while you were gone but what a blessing and God is SO good at revealing Himself!
ALWAYS love the sweet pictures and candid stories.