Thursday, May 20, 2010

katie's graduation.

i am so proud of my little sister, katie! she graduated from baylor on saturday with a degree in studio art {despite my parents' objections} and she has a job {despite the studio art degree!} ha. she moved into her apartment on monday with her roomies and is all grown up now, i can't believe it. when jeff and i started dating she was in 5th grade!

i must say it brought back some heavy emotions when we pulled into waco. i haven't been back since 2009 sing, so over a year. it was weird. i had a flood of the best memories come over me as we drove down university. i loved college. {okay, not all of it - but my junior and senior year were fantastic!} i met some of my very very best friends at baylor and for that i will always be grateful. when we met up with katie after graduation, i was asking her how sad she was and her reply was "i don't think i liked college as much as you did..." what???? she will in about 6 months!

my parents had a little 'fiesta' for her on saturday night after graduation. it felt so incredibly good to have everyone there. we haven't all lived in the same place since i left for college {10 years ago}. And now, even though we're scattered throughout the metroplex, we're all within driving distance. I love it. cam rode back with us from waco on saturday and I just love that kid. he seems so happy, which makes my heart smile. i think he is just really doing what he needs to be doing right now - working in the food & wine industry. he loves grapevine... it's like a small town to him. i'm so glad that both uncle cammie and aunt kay-kay are 'home' now.

our little man was quite the ham at the party. he knew exactly how to be the center of attention. should we be worried about this?!?

this is b's smile - he squints his eyes for the camera. love it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on #2!! With the move, we haven't had a computer for a few weeks, so it was fun to log in and see your news!! Can't wait to see what you guys are having!