Sunday, October 24, 2010

catching up.

i just realized that i haven't posted in almost 2 weeks. i would start to feel guilty - but then i would remind myself that this blog is supposed to be fun... supposed to be my scrapbook, right? so who cares when i write?

well, i just wanted to check in so that everyone knows that no... baby charlotte has not made her arrival. in fact, i have a lot to update - just no energy to do it. i'd say no time, but that might be stretching the truth a bit. the time i do have, i usually spend attempting to nap or attempting to 'rest' - whatever that means at 8 1/2 months pregnant.

so - i'm trying to get everything updated - for my 'scrapbooking' sake, but i'm getting frustrated with photoshop and i'm ready to go to bed. so, i'll leave you with a group pic of our playdate to feed the ducks two or three weeks ago. i promise i have lots of pictures to gt on here. b's big boy room, miss c's bedding, a trip to the hospital, lots of craft projects, etc. etc. i'm trying to get everything off my camera {and my mind} before miss c. gets here.


1 comment:

Terri said...

I have been checking the blog daily. was about to email you in the morning...worried! ha ha! and just bc you have a baby doesn't mean you can quit 30 before 30!