Tuesday, November 09, 2010

calling all crafters. {or even wannabe crafters, like me!}

many of you know that my very favorite blog to read EVER is written by meg from whatever.

i love her. for so many reasons... but one at the top of my list is her seemingly endless creative spirit. {with five kids in tow, none the less!}

so - you can imagine how good this NEW blog must be if i'm going to say that it rivals hers {creatively, at least!} meg guest-posted and that's the ONLY way i found it. 

let's just say, i've been so inspired and i can't wait for the lil miss to get here so we can spend some time with peppermint mochas, the bouncy seat and the sewing machine!! 

so.... without further ado... i will introduce you to EDIE's BLOG. she is doing a series called 12 days of handmade christmas. the best thing is that it's not ALL christmas crafts... they're things you can make to GIVE for christmas! {and just plain fun and easy!} 

you need to scroll through the posts from last year too. they're awe.some. 

so have at it.... and enjoy being creative!!!

1 comment:

Kampen Family said...

What a cute blog!!! I am such a wannabe crafter! Thanks for sharing Edie's blog - it's darling! PS-need to talk to you about your sewing machine. I'm really wanting one!