Friday, November 05, 2010


i went to the doctor today for what i thought would be my last checkup before the big day. i have to go back on tuesday. i have a terrible sinus infection and if it doesn't get better {like a lot better} before tuesday, we'll be pushing the date back. the positive thing is that this started a week ago today so hopefully i'm on the tail end. although - i've pretty much felt the same since tuesday.  i am very thankful that he did prescribe me some antibiotics on monday... so i'm praying they'll kick in anytime now!


i'm highly emotional because i haven't been sleeping good and of course, i don't feel well - oh, and i'm 38+weeks pregnant... but i'm having some breakdowns over my sweet brady boy. the hubbs 'jokingly' gives me a hard time about it because he says it sounds like i'm not excited about miss charlotte being here. of course, i'm excited. i mean, i don't think i could possibly be more excited to hold my sweet little girl. but i'm 'sad' over the changes i know will take place in my relationship with brady. HOWEVER.... as the hubbs always reminds me they will be good changes and we'll get to see a whole new dynamic to brady when he becomes a big brother. he's right. i know it, but i'm still sentimental.


i've decided that i am 'officially' finished with brady's room. there's one special project that i still want to do, but i've resigned myself to the fact that it probably won't happen until after christmas. i also want a little rug for the right side of his bed. but again, it's a low on the totem poll item.

here's the before:


and the after:

not a huge transformation, but we love it.





the last few weeks have been nothing as i had planned, imagined or hoped. i've had a cold, gone to the hospital, jeff's gone out of town, i've gotten another cold that's turned into a sinus infection.... and so on and so on. i had imagined this last month as 'relaxing' and 'enjoying' the final preparations for miss charlotte. as in baking up a storm, washing clothes, nesting, freezing casserolles, etc. but nope. it's been none of that. i'm praying that this sinus infection goes away before my next doctor's appointment {tuesday} so that we don't have to move the c-section back. ugh.


i've started packing our bags for the hospital. it makes me get all giddy inside.


i had planned on decorating for christmas this weekend, but it's not going to happen. i LOVE decorating for christmas and although i say it's going to be 'low key' this year - i know i'm going to bring EVERYTHING out! i can't wait! {this colder weather isn't helping with me wanting to get christmas out either!

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

oh gosh. I FEEEEEEEL for you. I was sick up until 3 days before Caroline was born. Didn't feel like I got everything done that I wanted - because I wasn't feeling great. 2 days before she came - Justin had to go get on a Zpack...and JM was put on antibiotics that week for an ear infection. SHEESH. I also went through those emotions for poor I feeeeel for ya! Can't wait to find out if you get to have a baby on 11/11! Hope you are feeling better! LOVE C's room - by the way!