Monday, January 03, 2011

we've been....

potty training. 

there, i said it. i didn't say potty trainED did i? nope. i said trainING.
{although i think we're doing pretty great, just two weeks in}

i got the crazy idea in my head this summer that potty training would be best suited for us AFTER lil' miss came. i was right, too, in my opinion. i can't imagine bending over and wiping up as much as i have while having a preggo belly and swollen ankles, etc.

i have to admit. it was {and is} probably the hardest thing i've done as a mom to date. it caused some bitterness toward the hubbs when i was cleaning up accidents all day long and whenever he was home, b. would go to the potty PERFECTLY. of course. why wouldn't it be that way, right?

so... friday morning after our last day of 'school' in 2010, we started our adventure.

wait - let me back up. thursday night we went to target to pick out our 'big boy undies' and get the hot wheels and potty seat. i have to say b. was SO excited. AND every other mom that i saw made a huge deal to b. about potty training... "you are SUCH a big boy!" "wow! look at those big boy undies!" he got a kick out of it {and so did i!}

so back to friday morning. we were doing the 3-day potty training method. {i had determined a while back that we were either going to do the 'potty thing' or not. if it got to be saturday night and he was not doing well, we were going to stop & try again later. i did not want to be 'sort of' potty-training for months on end, so this method was the best i'd heard about!} we threw away all {and i mean ALL} of our diapers. we loaded up on liquids all morning and all i said for 3 days straight was "let me know when you need to go potty..." "are you dry?" "we need to keep your undies dry, okay?" etc. etc. etc. etc.

friday morning was ROUGH. accident after accident after accident. then came the #2 accident... that i'll admit was NOT as bad as i thought it would be. still gross.

i was worried that i was forcing something on him...

but then, it happened. he told me he needed to go potty and we went. and he went. i shed a few tears. we called daddy. success!!!

and then we had a good afternoon after naptime. but then we slept and i guess we forgot. 

saturday a.m. he did not want to drink anything. so i ran to 7-11 and got him a slurpee. that's right. a slurpee at 10 a.m. but hey - we needed practice. 

jeff left to do a few christmas errands and in that span of time we had 3 accidents. i was about to give up. and then, as soon as he got home... we had success again. and again. and again!

sunday - no accidents. in fact, we didn't have another accident until a friend came over to play and he was distracted. and then, after that, we didn't have one until yesterday - at church. 

so - i think we're doing pretty good. on tee-tee, at least. we're still working on the 'other thing'. he seems to only do that when he's in a pull-up at nighttime. we can't, for the life of us, get him to tell us when he needs to go!!! help! {i've heard that one is difficult to train though... so i don't think we're that abnormal}.

1 comment:

Abby said...

Way to go Brady!!! Madyson was the same way with going # 2. She would go in her pull up either during night or nap. We did the same 3 day potty training method and eventually one day it just clicked. We are still in pull ups for nap/night because she never wakes up dry, but she no longer goes # 2 in her pull up! And I agree, it is definitely one of the hardest things I have done as a mom to date!