Monday, April 11, 2011

b's birthday party.

last saturday we had our sweet little boy's third birthday party.

let me start by saying that it is really hard to explain to a three year old the difference between your birthday and your birthday party.

nevertheless, we let him think he was three that day.

i had known for a while that i wanted to do a tractor theme, seeing as the bug loves them so much.

then i found these pictures.

and thought - okay, we could do a farm thing - with a little tractor slant to it.

and we did.

and brady loved it.

although - like i mentioned earlier - i had a great time putting together all of the small details, i'm sure he didn't care. he just wanted to have fun - with his friends and his family. and he did. and we did.


we held it a park off of main street.

it's an awesome park... and has great pavillions that are next-to-nothing for residents to rent.

it was a great idea {my hubby's} because we tend to get in arguments when getting the house ready for company. :) that's another conversation for another day. i'm sure none of y'all are like that, right?

anyway. it was a BEAUTIFUL day. we couldn't have asked for better weather.

details you will see:

i covered the picnic tables with white butcher paper from mardel. it was cheaper than getting a white plastic tablecloth roll... PLUS it gave the kiddos something to do {color} while we cut the cake and got the food.

for the food table, i got some big green and white check fabric from joann. on sale & with a coupon. $4.99 total. cut it in half and laid it like a runner. {a la the previous link listed. not my idea, just one i copied!} greatness. i had enough to do the eating table too - but it would have left no room to color! so that was a no go.

the cake was from target. yumm.o. had a little john deere tractor on it. brady was obsessed! and somehow we lost the tractor after he took it to the playground with him!

details you won't see:

we pulled our wheelbarrow up to the side of the picnic table, filled it with ice & topped it off with caprisuns & mini bottled water. it turned out so cute. {i can say that because it wasn't my idea........ it was my hubby's!!! love him.}

i used old egg cartons to serve the veggies "fresh from the garden". i thought it turned out really cute - and colorful. celery, cherry tomatoes & carrots. we made dill ranch dip to go with... and served it from mason jars. can't get more 'down home' than that.

i also brought my giant cutting board. for what? for the apples "fresh from the orchard". brady loves apple slices with peanut butter & a little squeeze 'o' honey. so that's what we did. but if we had already sliced the apples, they would have been browned... so that's the reason for the cutting board.

yumm. that's my favorite snack TOO.

oh - and "fresh from the coop"??? chicken mini biscuits! a HUGE hit. {also, thanks to my hubby!}

the goody bags were little paper bags, tied with a tag that said "thanks y'all". filled with the typical goody bag goodies. bouncy ball. tootsie roll pop. bubbles. squirt gun. that sorta thing. 

not really in keeping with the tractor theme. but that's okay.

bottom line? we had a great time. and rasied almost $200 for the prestonwood pregnancy center! woo-hoo! if you don't know anything about them, click here. 

it's worth your time.

i promise.

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