Wednesday, October 19, 2011

the change.


if you are a friend of mine of facebook - and let's be honest, since going private, if you're reading this you probably are.... then you know.

the change was 'revealed' last night. 

for all of social media to see.

and later on this week, it will be revealed for all of texas to see.

it's weird. definitely weird.

to see it all coming to life.

but, at the same time, totally refreshing. to hang it all out there for everyone to see. to be an open book. to stop talking about what's wrong with our country, our state, and start doing something about it.

yup. refreshing is the right word.

i've been dying to share with you. how this all came about. what my thoughts are. what the decision process was like. all the ins and outs to it.

and i will.

but today i'm going to soak my babies in. and our new home.

and try to still my heart. {before the rangers play, of course!}

God is faithful, y'all.

Oh. So. Faithful.

and although there is going to be a long road ahead for my precious family, the hubbs and i know that the Lord has called us to this journey.

and there is peace.

so today, i'm going to leave you with this song.

a precious hymmn that has comforted my soul in the past two months.

1 comment:

The Drama Mama said...

refreshing definitely sums it up - CONGRATS! Can't wait to hear more...praying for you all! HUGS!!!!!