Monday, October 10, 2011

orange beach. and more of 'the change'.

this morning i woke up 'full'.

i guess a cup of pumpkin spice coffee will do that for you.

we've had a few "big ticket items" looming over us in regard to the change i spoke about last week.

one of those big ticket items is moving.

yup. we're moving. and it had to happen quickly.

and i was so sure that the Lord would make it happen in MY timing. but, as i was so clearly reminded with each passing day, with each yucky house after the next, His ways are higher than my ways... and His thought higher than my thoughts.


i should tell you that i wasn't being picky. i wasn't. in fact, jeff & i had both settled on an unkept house {that could be super cute with a little money and a little love, i might add} because it was down the street from two of our best friends. and when i say that it was unkept... i mean an INCH of insulation in the attic. an overgrown back yard and front yard... a plastic yellow 'chandelier' in the kitchen with white clouds on it. all the interior doors had been 'touched up' with paint that was five shades different than what was actually on the door. {actually, it might have been a totally different color.}

but i was willing. so was jeff.

my criteria were safety & function. that was it. i'm serious.

and yes, i was a designer for four years before having brady... and yes, i like pretty things, but in this case... the Lord has been teaching me what's TRULY important.

and with the loudness and clarity of this call on our lives, i was willing to sacrifice 'pretty' for His plan.

anyway... this house fell through. on saturday evening. and it was... to be honest... confusing. i questioned the call on our lives. i didn't understand... i wasn't, i thought, being materialistic. i wasn't trying to get the nicest house out there... i wasn't. so why, would a house that had been on the market for 90 days suddenly be taken off - for no reason - as soon as we go for it?

like i said, His ways are higher than mine.

and boy, did He have a blessing in store for us.

so thankful to serve a God who's knowledge is Infinite.

anyway -------- onto a more blog-friendly topic.....

over a MONTH ago {that's how behind i am} we went to orange beach, alabama with jeff's family.

just in time for the tropical storm!!

we had a great time, though. it was a very very nice change of pace for us... staying in our jammies all day... eating like kings... and doing little bits of nothing all. day. long.

loved it.

when we were getting off of the plane, the pilots asked brady if he wanted to come and sit down with them. {the hubbs thought they were talking to him at first and got super excited.... then realized they were talking to brady....}

we made up fun games to play.

this was our version of 'minute to win it'.

another wave of the storm.... seriously. i can't imagine what HURRICANE force winds would be like.

it was opening weekend for college football. yay.

uncle bubba is a huge 'fighting irish' fan.

too bad he's had a rough start to the season....

that's all i have for today. maybe actual BEACH pictures tomorrow next week?

happy monday.

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