Wednesday, September 28, 2011

the change.


my name is becky.

and i used to blog.


have you ever been living your life, comfortable & 'happy'... minding your own business... when, seemingly out of nowhere, the Lord calls you to make a change? like, a radical, crazy change?


i hadn't either.

until about 8 weeks ago.

and it has rocked. my. world.

i'm not ready to share details yet, but i am excited about the day that i can let it all out.

and share about how the Lord has been working in our lives. our marriage. our family.

in the meantime, the change has been sucking all of the every-day-normalcy out of our life.

i used to blog.

i used to craft.

i used to {mostly} cook dinner.

i used to take pictures.

i used to keep up with project life. {sad, but true.}

but here's the thing...

this life is temporary. 

i LOVE all of those things.

love. them.

and i'm so sad that the change has caused me to put those on the back burner for now.

but i know that i'm making the better choice in following HIS will for our lives. HIS work is eternal, not the worldy {but fun} things that make me "happy".

i've found that, although it's been terribly hard.... frustrating - even - at times, being in the center of HIS will is the most uncomfortably comfortable place to be.

hard to explain? yes. even harder to live out? absolutely. but it's Truth.

have you heard of Jesus Calling by sarah young?

it's been my saving grace the past few weeks. short & sweet but packed with a message daily from the Lord directly to me.

one of my favorite excerpts, i sent to jeff just yesterday.

"When your energy fails you, do not look inward and lament the lack you find there. Look to Me and My sufficiency; rejoice in My radiant riches that are abundantly available to help you. Go gently through this day, leaning on Me and enjoying My Presence. Thank Me for your neediness, which is building trust-bonds between us. If you look back on your journey thus far, you can see that days of extreme weakness have been some of your most precious times."

love this. it was such a blessing to me yesterday morning. so thankful for a neighbor at the lake that gave these to a few of us on a visit recently.

"Wait for the LORD; Be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the LORD." Ps 37:14

i've given myself permission to take some time 'off' during naps today to finally edit pictures of our vacation. yay! so hopefully i'll have those up tonight!

and project life? don't you worry that i WILL catch up. i've been saving all of my stuff in a box... and it will all be on a new blog. when? i don't know. but it WILL happen.

i realize that some of you may be 'lost' when i talk about a change in direction in our life. i promise it will all make sense soon. i will share as soon as i'm able.

and... i took the littles to the lake this weekend to visit with my grandparents.

it is so dry!

they have a beach!

but it was fun... trent & my dad fished... brady and georgia ran in and out of the water.... and georgia went swimming. on purpose! i couldn't believe it! we missed the hubbs terribly, but were glad that we could make it out there for a quick visit!


Stephanie said...

i've been thinking about you... call me if you can... sending some prayers your way. xoxo, s

Sarah Sherman said...

Praying for you guys daily!