Sunday, February 03, 2008

Project #1 is Finished, Onto Project #2!

We stayed up late on Friday night (or should I say that JEFF stayed up late on Friday night) to finish our first nursery project... the covering of the letters! It ended up being a lot harder to maneuver it all than we thought it would be and I couldn't work the staple gun very well because you had to push really hard on it. So whenever I was trying to do a letter, Jeff would have to stop doing his letter and come help me on mine! :) So all in all the only letter that I really did was the "B" and Jeff did the rest of them. He did such a great job! I keep telling him how "craftsy" he's becoming!! He loved using the staple gun!

So now we're onto our second nursery project... the "art" for above Brady's crib! We decided that we really wanted to get all different sizes of tin stars and paint them to match the colors of his bedding. On Saturday we went to an iron shop in downtown Frisco and found all sorts of fun stars to put in his room. We're currently testing out the different arrangements we could do and trying to figure out what the colors will look like and where they should go! I'll post an update when it's all finished!


Olson Family said...

i'm VERY impressed! erik will be so mad jeff is setting the "craftsy" bar so high!

Craig, Julie, Sydney & Harper said...

I love it!! You are so creative!