Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Miraculous iPhone.

Over the past several weeks, I have really reveled in the fact that I can send pictures to Jeff throughout the day of what the Bug and I are up to. I tell myself that it helps him feel as though he's with us more, but truthfully, I get a kick out of sending them and immediately calling him to ask if he thinks Brady is as funny as I do.

Here is a montage of pictures we've collected over the weeks. They are in their pure form (or unedited, as some might say) so take them for what they are worth!

His newest toy at Nana's.

A Little People Racecar. He LOVES it!

He is so spoiled by both of his Nana AND his Mimi!

Look at those toys!!

The Bug was sick all last week, so we went to the doc....

He weighs 20 pounds and 9 ounces!!!

Georgia likes to snuggle until Jeff gets home.

I think she was tired, do you?

Our sweet friend, Sandra bought Brady these

scrubs in Denver at a Children's Hospital

before he was born.... aren't they cute?

This is at my office - he loves watching the cars.

This face is, "Mom, I'm old enough to drive one, I promise".

1 comment:

Hunter, Amanda, Hudson and Maddie said...

Love all these pictures!!! Brady is just precious!