Tuesday, July 13, 2010

21 week stats.

how far along? 21 weeks, 6 days
total weight gain/loss? +3 pounds{that's right - time to start packing the poundage on, ladies!}
maternity clothes? loving tank tops, shorts and maxidresses. thanks terri!
stretch marks? nope - but i keep checking every morning to see if that nasty line is developing. i feel like it was right around thanksgiving last time which was right at 20 weeks. but no sign of it yet.
sleep? none. none. none.
best moment this week? getting started on brady's big boy room. we are super excited for him {and us} and can't wait to get it all settled. i love planning and rearranging so this has definitely been my favorite part of this last week. can't wait to share all of the fun!
movement? yes - and she's right on top of my bladder most of the time. on friday night, i went to the bathroom when i dropped b. off at my mom's and by the time i picked jeff up at his office, 15 minutes later i had to make another potty stop for fear of not making it to fair park. good thing i did too, because by the time we got to fair park, i was running to the port-a-potty as it was!!
food cravings? hmmm... it seems to be comfort food this week. {maybe it's to offset the emotional thing?} anything cheesy - which could explain the mega weight gain.
what i miss: sleeping.
what i'm looking forward to: deciding on a paint color for little miss's room.
how are you feeling? physically i'm doing great - but emotionally, i've been all over the map this week. that's why i'm under strict orders from the hubbs and my doctor to 'take it easy'. supposedly this will help the contractions to ease up... supposedly.
comparisons to last pregnancy? the movement is way different with charlotte than it was with brady. his were more soft, rolling movements and hers are like kicks and punches. and i'm hot almost all of the time. i'm sure that's the season we're in - but i'm dying for some football weather. seriously.
milestones? okay - are you ready for this one? heartburn started this week. my back started hurting this week - as in the syatica {sp?} started. by the end of the day, it feels like a shooting pain down my leg. all normal, but not fun. i've also realized that i'm done laying on my back to sleep at night - this may also contribute to my sleeplessness. i can't breathe anymore when i'm on my back or sitting down for long periods of time. since my torso is short {okay, my whole body is short}, she doesn't have much room in there... and i already am feeling the pressure on my lungs.

note: i have decided that i am DETERMINED not to swell toward the end of this pregnancy like i did last pregnancy. i mean, it's actually painful for me to look at those pictures from the hospital. PLUS it so happens that my 10-year high school reunion is the first weekend in october - just in time for me to be nice and big, right? last pregnancy, i ate terrible and i wasn't in great shape to begin with. we had fast food all the time, i never drank water, had 2-3 real cokes a day and ate pizza like it was going out of style. so i'm hoping that if i steer clear of fast food {which i really don't eat anyway}, drink a lot of water and continue being active i might avoid the major weight gain at the end? {i'm talking 10 pounds in the last two weeks} any thoughts on this one? i know there are people out there who don't swell... how do you do it? dr. wells told me that it's generally mexican food and pizza. my plan is to maybe cut those out entirely @ 30 weeks? i don't mind the poundage, but the swelling.... especially if i can try harder to avoid it..... any tips would be much appreciated!


Olson Family said...

okay this sounds really OCD, but I was terrified of swelling when I was pregnant with Jack because it was the middle of summer...I would actually count the amount of sodium in almost everything I put in my mouth and realized that even though I was eating lots of fruit/veggies/protein a lot of it still had TONS of sodium which causes fluid retention. Most restaurants will show a menu with the amount of sodium in their meals but it's crazy how much is in just one can of any kind of cambell's soup or anything 'packaged' for that matter! that also kept my BP down throughout the pregnancy as well. Don't even know if that all made sense but just wanted you to know I was in the exact same position when I was pregnant with Jack!

Elizabeth said...

ummm...if you find the solution - let me know! I am ALREADY gaining weight. I am DEFINITELY eating better than last time, and DEFINITELY more active - yet already weigh more than I did last time?!?! I started this pregnancy back at my pre-prego weight and in way better shape. I put on 20 lbs the last 2 months of pregnancy last time - mainly swelling and fluid - as I had lost 30 pounds in the first 2 weeks...ugh...I have been working really hard on no salt this time...I am drinking just as much water as last time (boat loads). argh. I am so frustrated.