Friday, July 16, 2010

spring creek farm

on wednesday morning, i realized that it's the middle of july and we haven't even made a dent in our summer list. so brady and i looked it over to see what we could do.

we decided to head on over to owens spring creek farm in richardson, and we asked julie, sydney and harper to join us. i knew sydney would be old enough to enjoy it - and whatever she does, brady isn't far behind her, so i thought that would help him branch out a bit.

brady and sydney with their 'feed cups'. i had to be real convincing with b. that it wasn't his food.

this is b's reaction after the goats realized we were there - with food.
as soon as they jumped on the fence - he started crying.

sydney was pretty brave with the goats - they can definitely be scary... and that made brady warm up to the idea....

a little bit.

i fed the goats. i wasn't afraid.
it is kind of icky though.

this is all brady wanted to do.
transfer the feed from one cup to the other.

then they spilled on the ground.

finally getting close. but not close enough for the goats.

mr. joe then took us on a hay ride around the 'field'.
{and i use the word 'field' loosely}

i love sydney's curls in this picture.
all natural.
and look at b. in the background trying to be just like syd.

brady loved the roosters. every time they crowed his eyes would get really wide and yell "yeah!!"

we had a fun time -maybe not exactly what julie and i expected - but the kids had fun. and it wasn't too hot since we went way early in the morning. i'm sure there will be many a field trips here during our school years.

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