Wednesday, July 14, 2010


i had a sewing magazine that i had gotten for my birthday but hadn't made anything from yet.

then i saw this picture:

i thought, 'i could do that.'.... or maybe the thought was 'i could try that'.

so i ran up to joanns and got a zipper that matched some scrap fabric i had here.

my original thought was that it might be big enough for diapers/wipes. but no such luck.

then i realized i got the wrong size zipper. i got 6" and it said 9". i ran back up to joanns as soon as the hubbs got home. he even told me not to worry about dinner and brought this home instead. yum.

well, the 9" zipper was way too long. despite the fact that i cut the fabric from the pattern. exactly. so i ended up trying the 6".

i stayed up late on monday night trying to figure it out. it actually wasn't the zipper that caused problems, it was trying to figure out the directions in the pattern. i think they complicated it way more than they needed to... and when i make my own version next time, i will be doing it my way.

the zipper went on without a snag though {no pun intended! ha!}

it's just too short.

and then i was lazy and instead of hand stitching the lining in, i tried to do it by machine. that's where i got this trailing line of stitches on the back. again, too lazy to rip it out. i had already decided i wasn't going to be giving this to anyone so it wasn't really worth it.

anyway.... my kitchen and b-fast room looked like a disaster when i finished last night.

so thankful for an understanding and supportive hubby.


Becky said...

I'm so impressed, how do you have the time and energy for this?! Go little mamma......

Stephanie said...

so... everytime i have a sewing debacle, i tell myself i have to do it at least twice... and then the second time ALWAYS goes so much more smoothly! And my house looks the same way after a sewing project! love it!