Thursday, April 14, 2011

a special day.

friday was joanna's last official day of maternity leave.

selfishly - i was we were super sad. i love being able to call her in the middle of the day for adult conversation. brady has had so much fun playing with 'tearce'. {that's what the bug calls him...} 

most of our girlfriends have GIRLS that are b's age, and of course, are a lot of fun to play with...

but it's not the same.

pierce & b play together.... like boys! they're rough, they're silly and they chase & climb for hours.

normally, we only get to really play during spring break & the summer.... but now we can add maternity leave to the list!

we met at the mall. and miss joanna took the boys on the carousel while i watched the girls. one of them was sleeping {stella} and one of them was awake & smiling. like a little angel.

we love our sweet friends, but we know that mrs. mccord's students were SO excited to get her back this week! 

i guess that we'll just have to share her for the next few weeks until summer gets here!

1 comment:

She McCord said...

reading this while at school might not have been the best idea. tears. just a few though! thank you for making my last day special with the boys. it was a perfect little playdate! just 7 more school weeks til summer...but who's really counting!?!?!