Tuesday, April 12, 2011

sweet {brady} boy.

we kicked the bug's birthday off a little early by making fun cupcakes.

i first saw this 'recipe' here. and i thought it would take WAY too long.

for me, at least.

and then - my sweet friend, janet - made CUPCAKES out of them for a playdate we went to a few weeks ago. ummmm... yeah. if there's ANY time to spend a little extra time on something - it's a birthday! right?


it really didn't take more time at all. luckily for me, the littles cooperated while i got situated. it just took more dishes. that's all.

i have to say that i have been blessed with a little boy who loves to be 'artsy fartsy' just as much as i do. we could sit at the table & draw, color, craft all.day.long. if you don't think the lord makes perfect matches with kids & parents - you're crazy.

we are perfect for each other.

so mommy spent a lot of time at wal mart & learning shore hunting & gathering for new goodies.

a personal chalkboard, whiteboard, construction paper, colors, his own scissors, glues, paints, etc. etc. etc.

so. much. fun.

ooooh - and candy land. {didn't we ALL love that game as a kid?} and a toy story memory game.

{it helped that they were ON SALE & i got TWO mail in coupons for a free tombstone pizza!!}

and googily eyes. for our puppets.

here are the cupcakes that we took to school on his birthday. one word: fun.

daddy got the bug a new vaccuum. just like his.

and a new mower. because his is worn. out.

he loved them.

donuts for breakfast. of course!

the bug kept saying "it's MY birthday!"

he looks like SUCH a big boy in this picture.

excuse my just-woke-up beauty.

ahhhhh..... hadn't had my coffee yet.

can you tell???

after an ultra-exciting day at school, we came home to 'take a break' from all of the birthday fun.

and then we went to..... gattitown!!!

if you know me at all - you know that this is my very favorite place to go.

it might as well have been my birthday. we love it.

sweet charlotte.

i look ti.red.

and i was. but it was his birthday. and it was all.day.long.

as it should be.

lil' miss looks bored.


and the melt down begins. circa 6:15.

brady bug. 

 we LOVE you. these have been the most wonderful and most challenging three years of our lives - and our marriage. you have grown us and humbled us. you have made us laugh and made us cry. we wouldn't trade you for any little boy in the whole world. GOD knew exactly what He was doing when He gave you to us - and us to you. 

happy birthday, love.


Amy E. said...

wow..I can't believe Brady is three!! Haven't seen him in so long that he doesnt look like a baby at all any more..he is all big boy!!!! He has changed so much! Looks like the birthday was a total success!!

Olson Family said...

Hope Mr. Brady had a wonderful birthday! All his festivities looked SO fun!!! He is looking like such a big boy!