Tuesday, May 17, 2011


sunday, i used the last of my eggs.
we were having breakfast for dinner - do you ever do that?
it's probably my favorite - except for frozen hamburger pizza, of course.

and i had just so happened to see this a few days earlier.

so, i cut the top off of the egg carton, and cut it down the middle.

drew a face on the front with a sharpie...

and let him go at it.

with markers.
a very special treat at our house.

and we put hats on.
{i thought i had pipe cleaners for atennas but couldn't find them... hmm...}


yes, that is a thanksgiving place mat.
it's the only laminated {a.k.a. wipeable} ones we have.
despite my intentions to make new ones with coloring sheets.
oh well.

momma made one too.
i love crafting. can you tell?

i tried to read from this devotional book to b. while we were coloring.
it's a beautifully written book {it was a gift from my bible study leader} but it's a little 'above' b. still.
yesterday was about letting the lord be lord of your life.
a good lesson for me - but i'm not quite sure b. quite got it.

and a picture of our little lady after her morning nap.
b. was still coloring.
bless his heart, he was all about those markers.



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