Tuesday, May 31, 2011

memorial day weekend. part 1.

we went to the lake this weekend.

and i took a million pictures.

so we're going to tell this story in parts.

part 1/a: learning to fish.

b. was more interested in his caprisun than his daddy working hard to hook the worm.

b. loved the jet skis.

he kept telling us that he was going to drive one "by myself" when he's five.



the first drop. with his new lighting mcqueen fishing pole.

we didn't catch anything.
but i don't think b even knows that you're supposed to.

he was perfectly happy casting & reeling in.

part 1/b: washers & croquet.

brady didn't quite get the concept of tossing it in the hole.
everytime he'd throw it, he'd run up move it  into the hole and scream "i did it!"

part 1/c: the boat.
i relived my glory days on the tube. 

it was waaaay too windy to tube.

in fact, j tubed {i was too busy holding charlotte & drying off from my stint in the water to take pics} and got thrown off. fast.

and brady was. not. happy. "my daddy!!! my daddy!!!" he screamed & cried until jeff got back in the boat laughing.

 my sister came with her friend katie m.
we love katie m. brady had so much fun with BOTH of them. they were great.

and a little sweet bonus pic of miss charlotte. because she's too precious to wait until tomorrow.

i hope y'all had a great weekend with your family. 

and remembering all that was given so that we could spend the weekend like we did. 


1 comment:

Sarah Sherman said...

Love that B has his life jacket while playing in the yard. =)