Wednesday, May 11, 2011

six months {too fast}


it's here.

charlotte swann is six. months. old.

and it happened waaay too fast. it's as if i blinked when she was 4 months old and now she's six.  how does that even work? 

she's as sweet as pie, y'all. 
she is. 

she's easy. & content. except - when she's not. which seems to be only when she's hungry or tired. {or both}. and then she goes from 0 {happy & content} to 60 {screaming her pretty head off} in .00032 seconds. really. not even exaggerating.

that's rare, though. because we're on a really good schedule. 
schedules seem to work for my babies. 
{maybe because they work for me....}
they both have thrived on routine. 

{she thinks her brother is HI-larious. can you tell?}

lil' miss eats every 4 hours during the day. 7-ish, 11-ish, 3-ish & 6:30 or 7. 
we've tried cereal. she takes it just fine is super girlie with how neat she is. 
but she doesn't think it gets in her tummy quick enough, i guess... because after a few bites, she starts realizing "this should be filling me up... so i think i'm hungry... i. want. my botttleee!!!!!!"
i know you don't believe me, but it's true.
  i'm thinking about going to get some bananas today {don't lecture me with starting with veggies first - b. did just fine} and mixing it with her cereal. 

i can't seem to work it into our already-insaneley-crazy evening routine before daddy gets home.  
can anyone else help me with this? j gets home between 6:30/7. right when charlotte needs to take a bottle & when brady is getting super duper cranky. we try to eat all together... sometimes i'll feed b first & then he'll sit down with j & i again while we eat and feed charlotte... but it. is. crazy. HELP!

anyway - back to charlotte

she is normally awake for 2 hours and napping for 2 hours each 'cycle'... except the last one, when she's awake for 2 hours, sleeps for 45 minutes or so and then wakes up again. we just kind of 'go with it' that last bit of the day. i remember this taking a LONG time to work out with the bug too. 

she's just the most plump bundle of cuteness that i've ever seen. {i know, i AM biased....} but seriously, she is. just in the last few days, she's sitting up extremely well. which just makes her cuter, i might add. 

she's in all 6 month clothes. some 6-9 months. she's bigger than the bug was at her age.

{look at those highlights! woah, girl!}

i don't think they look 'alike' but they do sorta favor each other. what do you think?

we're going to the doctor on tuesday for her shots. *boo*. i hate shots. i hate my children getting shots. they're just plain bad. {but good, because they protect us... right?}

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