Wednesday, July 27, 2011

all charlotte.

last night, after a WONDERFUL no-fight, no-fuss dinner...

we had a colossal meltdown.

when it was time for bath & jammies.

ugh. ugh. ugh.

this made for a world-record in quick bathtimes. and an early bed time.

it was a shame too... because we had a great day.

anyway. even though that was yucky....

it made for an extra special low-key bathtime with miss charlotte.

her first big girl bath.

by herself.... no one to take the toys from her. 

no one to pour water on her.

and the whole tub to play in.

she was in heaven.
and so were we. 

love these sweet one on one moments with our lil' miss.

they don't happen often enough.

{and just for fun - here are some pictures of brady when he was seven months old in the tub. so sweet.}

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