Friday, July 29, 2011

project life.

this week is an example of how simple your layout can be!
many of the pictures in the middle are from my iPhone. 
{and some are even extras from the week before or after... but you won't tell...}


i got done initially and hadn't written anything down and was going to be done with it. 
but decided that i wanted to remember what was going on in some of the pictures so i went back and stapled scraps of paper on top. 

easy. peasy.

i love hearing of people starting this project and then they realize how TRULY easy it is. {ahem - katie & amanda!!} and their layouts are BEAUTIFUL. for reals. 

so excited for them... because it's really become a special thing for me. i'm so excited that i'll have it for years & years to come and that we can look back on these years FONDLY. ;)

happy friday to all. 
i am READY for the weekend. this week has been crazy. {fun crazy, but CRAZY!} yesterday afternoon i was ready to throw in the towel around 3:00. 

but today, i'm thankful for the new and fresh feeling of the mornings. and thankful that i got up before the craziness began and was able to spend some time in QUIET. 

love that. 

it helps me deal with the crazies when they get up and are raring to go. 

praying this heat doesn't get as hot as they are forecasting next week. i'm about to melt!

1 comment:

Yocumotion said...

i am So thankful for your help and amazing talent to get me into this!!! love it! you amaze me daily love you and i wish you were my mommy or i can be 1/2 the mom and wife you are! xoxo