Monday, October 01, 2007

Where's My Glow?

Halle Berry was quoted recently as to having said that she has loved every minute of her pregnancy. From the Morning Sickness to the Hot Flashes, she has found it wonderful. Well, all I can say is that either she is on some serious drugs or she's an oscar winning actress!

As far as I'm concerned, so far I've just felt yucky most of the time. The very very beginning was wonderful before the actual sickness kicked in. Then comes the hunger pains. You wouldn't believe how hungry you can get after a three course meal. So hungry that it will actually wake you up in the middle of the night and you HAVE to eat something. AND to add to that... if you DON'T eat anything, then you'll get sick right when you do eat something! (Believe me, I've experienced this...) To add to the morning sickness, there are hot flashes and constant bathroom breaks. Who in the world said pregnant women are supposed to be glowing? They must have never been pregnant!!

I've heard the "good part" kicks in around Week 20 and obviously I'm not there yet. It's when the morning sickness is gone, you're obviously pregnant instead of just looking bloated and you start to actually feel the baby. Well- I'm ready to have my glow. Wherever it is, I can't wait to get it!! I am so overjoyed to be having a baby and I don't understand how I can be green in the face and still be expected to glow!!

I liken the early part of pregnancy to pledging a fraternity. You get rushed for so long and you think it's going to be wonderful because everyone says it is... and it is, but no one talks about the pledging part. The part where all the hazing happens. Well. That's what I'm doing right now. I'm pledging the fraternity of Pregnancy and I can't wait to actually be a member!!

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