Sunday, January 06, 2008

And the Nursery Fun Begins!

So the Nursery has begun to take shape. We have picked out the bedding, painted the room and put the furniture together. Jeff was very meticulous about painting the room, and as you can see from the pictures he did a wonderful job! We got the furniture from Lone Star Baby in Dallas and Jeff worked so hard to put that together the day we got it. He's already such a proud Daddy. When I got home from work on Thursday, the room was all set up as much as it could be. (See the picture of the dresser). Jeff had put out some of his clothes, his stuffed animals, books and the piggy bank that my sister made Brady for Christmas. (Notice what it resembles?) :) There is still a lot to be done, but it's an exciting and fun task at hand!


Olson Family said...

way to go! you guys are going to be such FUN parents:)

Craig, Julie, Sydney & Harper said...

Woohoo!! Can't wait to see the completed project!!

Hillary Kouba said...

so cute! Congrats on the 3rd trimester...not much longer now!