Thursday, January 31, 2008

Only Nine More Weeks!

So I had a little "incident" this week, if that's what you want to call it. I was standing in line at Einstein Brothers Bagels trying to get a sandwich for lunch, and there were two little boys and their mom in lie in front of me. They couldn't have been more than three years old. They kept turning around and looking at me with this very curious look on their face and then they would turn back around and turn their attention on the chocolate milk that they were getting. (It looked so good that I got some too...) I could tell that they couldn't really figure out what was going on in my belly. It was kind of humorous and I was getting a pretty good kick out of it actually.

Then all of a sudden one of the boys turned around and gave me a good slap on my belly and then turned right back around! I couldn't help but let out a little laugh because I could just see his mind working all of this out! His mom was absolutely mortified and kept promising me that he had never hit anyone before. (I actually felt quite bad for her because I'm sure I will be experiencing the same kind of thing some day.) She asked me if I knew what I was having, after explaining to the boys about the baby "living" inside my tummy, and I told her we were having a boy. She gave me a big smile and then nonchalantly said, "Have fun!" I got in my car and started laughing outloud because I found the incident quite humourous.

Luckily Baby Brady and I are recovering quite nicely from the little hit that we took.

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