Monday, January 21, 2008

Sports Heals All Sports Wounds

So it came time for the Sunday Night Football Game last night and where were my Cowboys? Oh, they were probably at home like I was, warm and toasty, watching the game that they SHOULD have been playing in. (Okay, maybe one or two of them were in Mexico... but that's beside the point.) Oh, but I'm not bitter... anymore at least.
So, even though I was completely broken hearted and down when the game started, I started rooting for the Giants and Eli. (He's in my top Five Quarterback List, even though no one else seems to agree with me.) So, here I go, the only one I know of that is going for the Giants and I find myself starting to really get into the game. Of course I fell asleep by the end (I've been battling a cold and had taken two Benedryl) but Jeff woke me up and told me that Eli did it! He won in Overtime!! And suddenly, I feel a little better about the the fact that "My Team" isn't in the Superbowl! Why, you may ask? Someone said it best yesterday on the Radio... "SPORTS HEALS ALL SPORTS WOUNDS..." and that's totally what happened! Not that I'm not still disappointed about the Cowboys and I'm still a broken hearted fan, but in some ways I feel like now I have someone else to root for in the mean time! Go Giants!!

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