Sometimes I cannot believe that Brady turned 3 months old on Monday. Sometimes it's that I don't believe it's already been 3 months, and sometimes it's that I don't believe it's only been 3 months. People often ask how motherhood is, and I answer with "At first it was boring and hard, now it's fun and hard."
When he was first born, I had a ton of hormones running through my system... enough that I actually could FEEL the rush of them. I know that sounds weird, but if you've had a baby, most likely you can identify with what I'm saying. So I would be sitting at home, feeding and changing Brady around the clock and trying to get some decent amount of sleep in there. He didn't laugh, he didn't smile, he couldn't hold his head up. I was thinking about it today, and I don't think I spoke one word "TO" Brady for the first two or three days we were home. So yes, at first it was not only hard and overwhelming, but I was bored... and lonely.
But now... just a mere three months later... he's full of life, energy and love. Even though he can't say "I love you", every time he smiles he says it. Every time he makes eye contact with me, he says it. Every time he coos he says it... and every time he reaches for a toy and hits it, he says it. Every day I think that I love him as much as I possibly could and the next morning I wake him up and my heart is even more full than it was the day before. It's just like when you get married and you think you love your husband as much as you possibly can... and then a year later you look at him and love him even more... and in new and unexpected ways and for new reasons.
It's so unexplainable... the love for a child. It's an absolute miracle that God created the bond between parents and children. It's such an incredible picture of God's love for us. My friend Julie said that her first Easter after having Sydney was so overwhelming because she viewed the cross differently because of being a mom. How in the world did God give up His ONE and ONLY Son to die for the world.... the SINFUL world? I could never do it.
Anyway... sorry for the Sappiness... onto the fun stuff that Mr. Brady Bug is doing....
He is "talking" so much now... and yesterday I heard his first REAL laugh... where he actually took a breath and laughed.... before this, it's been more of a giggle noise that he does when he's excited. But yesterday I believe it was a real laugh. I have to put talking into quotes, because this guy at my old office would ask me what words he was saying when I told him that Brady's talking a lot more. So, I just want to clarify that when I say TALKING, it's just really lots of noises... and he even does it in response to me. (I read in a magazine that you're supposed to talk to them and wait for an answer. It doesn't work all the time, but when he's in a "talkative" mood, it works well.)
He has rolled over a few times... from his tummy to his back. He definitely does not do it consistently yet or even a lot... sometimes when we put him on his tummy, he just lays there and coos. I think he'll eventually be a tummy sleeper.
He's definitely discovered his hands. He likes to try to put his whole fist in his mouth now... and the other day I found him sound asleep with two fingers in his mouth... I'm not sure it was on purpose, but we'll see if that continues. I can't wait for him to find his feet!!!
He takes 6 ounces in his bottle now and according to our method of weighing him, he's almost 13 pounds now. We're going to try to drop the 10:00 feeding tonight. He's only been taking about 1 ounce the past few nights, as he won't ever fully wake up. It almost all ends up all over his jammies anyway because he'll take it but won't swallow it. So we'll see how it goes tonight.
I'm trying to drop the swaddle too. He's getting too long. We're tired of going in there and re-swaddling... so I'm trying to drop the swaddle thing all together.... that has made for a LONG day. :)
We took these pictures on Sunday, after bath time! He's getting so big!
you are such a beautiful mom! and I love your blog!!
what a cutie pie! I can't believe he's already 3 months old! I know you & Jeff are enjoying him so much. Being a mommy is one of the hardest, but most rewarding jobs ever! Happy 3 months Brady!
3 months already!! Time does fly...I really understand your post and I felt the exact same way...I felt guilty for feeling that way and I did not want to tell anyone. Now I know that it was the hormones and I love motherhood. It gets better and better everyday!! Thanks for keeping me on the list - I need to catch up!
Becky, everything you've written here is EXACTLY what I've been thinking, going through and feeling...having your life change right before your eyes (hormones), being a mom, having a son and looking at Easter in a different light, weaning B off of swaddling, the things that make me love him more and more each day (becoming more alert and playful)...
It's an amazing process being a mom. Thanks for sharing yours. It's so nice to see other mom's going through the same things I am...for a while there I thought I was the only one until I started talking to other moms about it. :) I need to e-mail you back too...sorry! :) I'll do that this week. Ok, this is long enough. I'm done. :)
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