Saturday, August 08, 2009

Punching Ball

The night we left for Destin was kind of chaotic. I had already dropped Georgia off and Jeff had come home around 5 to pick up my car to go get the U-Haul. I was frantically trying to finish packing up the stuff I had just used for dinner and bath time all the while trying to keep B. occupied. Needless to say, it's kind of a tough task. He definitely knew something was going on and kept getting into everything - or at least trying to.

Finally, I remembered I had a stash of dollar-store 'toys' and tried to find something new to keep him occupied. In the basket, I found this package of 'punching balls'. The only reason I thought this might work is because he loves balloons - and Georgia wasn't here to bark at him. It took him all of two seconds to figure out how the rubberband worked on the side of the balloon and he. loved. it. I managed to put down the trash bag for a few seconds to get a few videos of him around the house. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Kendra said...

I love these videos! So fun!