Friday, August 13, 2010

24/25/26 week update.

how far along? 26weeks, 4 days
total weight gain/loss? +7/8 pounds {sidenote: i DID just get back from vacation!}
maternity clothes? even these are getting tight around my waist. why do i feel like my hips/bottom and ribs are bigger than my belly even is??? i've heard that this is what happens when you're having a girl? or am i just trying to justify the snickers ice cream in my freezer.
stretch marks? i feel like i should be getting stretch marks - but none. not even that nasty line has developed more than low and faint...
sleep? well, this may not count because we were on vacation this last week - but i've been sleeping great. {with the exception of the two nights on vacation when i woke up with a screaming nightmare. no worries though - i was just overtired and went right back to sleep.}
best moment this week? hmmm.... i had a surprise sonogram when i went to the doctor last week for my glucose test. i mentioned we were going on vacation and since my placenta is pretty low, he wanted to just check and make sure everything was good. it was - and she looks JUST LIKE JEFF. don't you think?

movement? umm - yes.... all.the.time. is this a sign of what's to come?? i can already look down and see my t-shirt rumbling.
food cravings? ice cream. diet rite. little pieces of chocolate. ice water.
what i miss: being able to breathe. my back not hurting. being able to take a hot bubble bath without being worried that i'm going to boil the baby.
what i'm looking forward to: the big boy bed/nursery transition!!!!!! TOMORROW!
how are you feeling? i've been having sinking spells in the afternoon - but the doc called on tuesday and said i have anemia, according to my blood count, and that would explain the tiredness! i had this last pregnancy so i'm too worried about it. i just have to start taking an iron supplement which makes me sick... seriously. i feel like she's way up high - on my lungs so when i sit down i really feel like i can't breathe. seriously.
comparisons to last pregnancy? ummm.... i think it's interesting that she looks nothing like brady's sono pictures. i wonder if that means she'll look nothing like him?
milestones? we're doing the big boy bed tomorrow. i'm so excited.... i was sad last week but i'm excited this week - so that's good. i had {and passed} my glucose test which i was really glad about. i don't remember that glucose test making me so jittery and queasy last time as it did this time. i made it to the beach and back still being able to wear my rings - which i was excited about. hello 'healthy' diet. i will be seeing you on monday.

oh - and just for fun - here's a belly pick. it's right at 24 weeks. i should take one now. i feel like an elephant. isn't it too early to feel like an elephant?


Terri said...

oh my goodness! you are tiny becky!!!

Amber said...

omg ur so cute