Monday, August 02, 2010

ranger fever

last sunday night, my sister had scored VERY coveted tickets to a ranger game through work. she asked jeff and i if we'd like to go - and we immediately jumped at the opportunity... since it was the last game of the angels series...

let me preface this post by saying that jeff is a huge rangers fan. they've let me down too many times over the course of 15 years that i'm off and on. we had season tickets growing up - in left field, right behind my favorite player - rusty greer. but EVERY year, without fail, we choked. thus, i usually don't watch {or care} about the first half of the season - and then the second half - after the all star break - we usually go down hill anyway. there are just TOO many games.

well - since my sweet husband and precious son are super into the season, i've ended up getting into the season as well. {despite my best efforts not to!} the problem is that now i'm invested... and i can't end up where i was three years ago while preggo - crying after the cowboys lost a playoff game.

but to no avail - i'm into the season.

we had awesome seats {15th row behind home plate} and it wasn't terribly hot. katie had a parking pass so we didn't have to walk too far {thank goodness}.

the skateboarding dog 'threw' out the first pitch.

we even spotted some our very favorite people before they announced they were there. {do you see them? very front row next to the dugout??? so exciting!}

we even won. we took the series 3-1. now.... if we can just keep winning.

after the game was over, we saw all of this commotion outside. it was the skateboarding dog!! the one from youtube!! he was sooooo cute - and he actually steered the skateboard!

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