Sweet Brady Bug.
Happy Birthday, Punkin. I am so excited that this day has come and it is YOUR special day! One year ago, I could not imagine the unspeakable joy, heartache, laughter and love that someone so little would bring into our lives. It has been a privilege for me to be your mommy, watching you grow up day by day, little by little until you've reached this huge milestone. It may be more of a milestone for daddy and I than it is for you! You're just excited that you got balloons in your bed this morning and pancakes for breakfast!
I have loved watching you as you learned to reach for toys, then as you learned to hold the toys, and now as you learn to play with the toys. Your wheels are constantly turning, sweet boy. You are always trying to figure out how things work and why things make noise and what kind of noise they will make! You are like your daddy in that respect. I can just see the day when the question of "Why" is a question that hurts mommy's ears!
You have become your own little bumper car lately. You wrestle with all of your stuffed animals, your blankey in your bed and especially your daddy! When he comes home, that is all you want to do... be right by him and wrestle with him. I can already see that you so admire your daddy and want to be just like him. It absolutely melts my heart when I see your face light up as he comes through that door. You are such a blessed little boy to have a wonderful daddy who loves you with all of his heart! (I'm richly blessed too, sweet Brady).
You and Georgia have become the best of friends! The other night, we came home and you had to go straight to bed... so I put Georgia outside to go potty and put you in bed, turned out the lights and shut the door. After I let Georgia back inside, I heard her whimpering and scratching at something. Turns out, she was scratching at your door! I hadn't let her say 'night, night' apparently, so we turned on the lights, I let Georgia kiss you goodnight and then you both went straight to bed! She knocks you over sometimes, but you just laugh right through it. I have loved watching her become your very best friend!
Sweet Brady, you are not a baby anymore. Before long, you're not going to need my help to go down the slide at the playground and you'll be able to blow bubbles all by yourself! You'll be able to use your spoon by yourself and sooner than later you'll be in a big boy bed too! I can't say that I can't believe it, because I can. You are growing up right before my eyes and instead of being sad, I'm choosing to be excited.
Precious boy, I'm excited for you to experience the joys even along with the hurts of life. Excited for you to know Jesus like your mommy and daddy do. I'm excited for you to explore and play outside and make a mess. I'm excited for me, too. Excited that I get the awesome privilege of helping you as your learn all of these new things, and excited that I am the one that gets to pick you up when you fall down. I have to tell you that I am in absolute awe of the fact that God made you to be our son and us to be your parents. He has so richly blessed our lives with your precious life. Thank you, Lord for our precious son.
Happy Birthday Brady. We love you.
Oh my goodness- happy birthday Brady!! has it been a year already? Crazy!! Btw, those "night night" pictures are AMAZING!!
You made me cry!!! Your words were so sweet and perfect! I love him! Happy Birthday!
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