Sunday, April 05, 2009

A New Look at Easter.

Sitting in church on this Palm Sunday, I was reminded of when my sweet friend, Julie, had told me that Easter had come to be incredibly special to her after having Sydney. Pastor Graham was preaching this morning on the word "Tetelestai", meaning "It is Finished" which were, of course, Jesus's last words before he died on the cross. He went on to tell how the literal meaning is "Paid in Full" (an accountant's term) and that by the shedding of Jesus's blood, our sins are paid in full... forever.

As he spoke, he came to a story about some parents walking through Arlington National Cemetery where their son had been buried, among so many other soldiers that had served. Apparently, the mother was overheard to have said, "To so many, he is just another one. But to us, he was the only one". Jesus is the only one. For some reason, this stuck a cord inside me this morning, as it hit me like never before that God, sent his ONLY son, here to earth, to die on the cross for ME... who is so unworthy.

Can I imagine giving myself up for Brady? Yes. Could I imagine giving Brady up for someone else? Heck no. No matter how much I loved the person. Even if I loved the person with all of my heart, I could not begin to fathom giving my precious, little, smiley, huggable, baby-bellied son up for anyone else, let alone a world full of people who hate him. Tears welled up inside of me this morning at the thought, and I'm sure the people around me were thinking I was crazy, but Jeff sweetly put his hand on top of mine and whispered - "You're thinking about Brady, aren't you?" The man knows me so well.

I am so thankful for a God that loves me that much... and a Savior that knows me so well - yet died for me, with me in mind. This week, as I prepare to celebrate the next part - the best part - of the Easter story, I will be reminded in a brand new way of God's awesome love for us. A love that is without compare to any love that we have experienced on this earth... and the intimate relationship that He desires with each and every one of us.

Father, I am so thankful for Your great love for us... Your great love for me. Thank You for sending Your son to die on the cross for me. Continually remind me of your amazing grace and love this week each time I look at the precious gift you've given me in Brady. Convict me in a fresh way of the love you have for the rest of the world, and help me to love others in a way that would glorify You.

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