Thursday, April 16, 2009

I'm a Big Boy, Now!

Over the past few days, I've been realizing that my baby boy is turning more and more into a little boy. I love it, love it, love it! It's so fun watching him explore new things and learn new skills. He has all of a sudden become a huge Bookworm. He'll sometimes sit with me to read one (besides at 'night night time'), but most of the time, he enjoys looking at them by himself. My mom keeps her books on a little kiddie table in the kitchen, and he always goes right to them. She tells me that he picks through them and has a favorite one (it's about a grandma, of course). He's so funny when he looks at them. He points to things in the pictures, and I can't figure out why he points to certain things and not others.... I guess he's just exercising his pointer finger skills!

Here are some iPhone snapshots from the last few days:

Big Boys driving a jeep at the Mall!

Colin's checking his blind spot

Bible Study wore Little Man out!

Reading a book on the road!

First Juice Box at Nana's

(I absolutely love his little fingers in this picture!)


Missy Rooney said...

Too funny!!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sad that our little babies are now little boys!! I love it more and more everyday though!