Wednesday, February 10, 2010

double digits

Running Tip #1: It's MUCH better to run first thing Saturday morning.

Running Tip #2: It's MUCH better to run with friends. {Not because you necessarily talk, but just because it keeps you from walking when you get tired... or bored}.

So... what happens when #1 can't happen? You make #2 happen.

Last week, after our 9 mile run when I got injured, I told my running buds that I couldn't run on Saturday morning - so one of them - I didn't care which one - was going to have to wait until Sunday to run with me. And wouldn't you know it, they all sacrificed the #1 rule of training so that we could all run together. Aren't they just the best?????

Needless to say, I had to record this run because we ran for 2 hours straight. {We took a water break after mile 5, but it was for 3 minutes - I looked at my watch - so we don't really count that}. AND I had to record this run because we're now in the double digits. Can you believe I ran 10 miles on Sunday? I mean, I can't believe it... but we did it.

It's totally mind over body.

This is the first run that was absolutely miserable for me, from the get - go.

Maybe it was the lack of sleep from the two previous days.

Maybe it was that I hadn't eaten like I would normally have eaten the day before.

Maybe it was just that it was plain hard.

I don't know - but I do know that Monday, I was literally in tears because I was in so much pain.

But by Tuesday I felt tons better.

Thank goodness.

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