Thursday, February 04, 2010

brady day.

last friday, {yes a week ago}, we decided that it was going to be 'brady day' at our house. it was rainy and cold outside and we had a busy week for whatever reason so we decided to stay in all day and play together.

we started off with cinnamon rolls and chocolate milk {a regular friday morning occurence at our house now}.

we watched gabba as many times as b. asked {i think it ended up being like thirty times. ha.}

basically, i let the bug direct ALL play for the day. i let him pick out what he wanted for lunch. we played with puzzles, pot & pans, we threw the ball, we had a block race and we wrestled.

he was tired for his nap.

when he finally woke up, i put him in our bed with me. we watched cartoons, ate snacks and read books. he didn't move for an hour and a half. {the hubbs told me he looked 'sick' when i sent him this picture, but he wasn't. he was just chillin'}.

we had a great time, but we had a mad dash when daddy called and said he was on his way home. {i didn't want him to walk into the chaos that was our home from not picking up all day long!}

i love you, little bug. i had so much fun staying 'in' with you all day!

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