Friday, February 05, 2010


Last weekend, my running friends {joanna, julie, janet} and i were supposed to run 8 miles. We knew it was supposed to be cold, but we wanted to get it over with. We were upping our mileage by two miles, and we were all anxious to see if we could actually run the whole thing.

Needless to say, we were determined to run first thing on Saturday morning. What was the weather like? Oh - of course - it was freezing {literally}. The wind chill was in the teens and there were definite snow flurries in the course of the morning.

The Hubbs definitely pointed out to me before we started that 8 miles is "a lot of miles" {to quote him directly.}

no kidding.

so we got started at 8 a.m. it took us a little over 1 1/2 hours to finish. BUT, not without injury.

I had run through ice, water, sleet and snow. I had stepped up curbs, over pot holes and who knows what else. Had no problem. But somehow, when we had .48 miles left, I tripped. Over what? I have no idea.

My sweet friends stopped and looked around, "Becky - there isn't any ice or cracks or sticks on the sidewalk... your shoes are tied... what did you trip on?" In their grand attempt to make me 'feel' better, they sweetly pointed out, "Beck - you're a clutz, you tripped over your own two feet!" {My words, not theirs - although I'm sure they were thinking it!}

Anyway - I'm LUCKY I didn't not seriously hurt myself. My ankle has been sore almost all week but I know it's just the muscle, not the bone, and finally yesterday, it started feeling a bit better.

Here's to the 10 miles we'll be running on Sunday.... and if you think about it, wish me 'no injuries'!

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