Tuesday, August 02, 2011

making the bed.

we've taken the 'time off' this summer to focus on some household items with our bug.

taking your plate to the sink... getting dressed by ourselves... saying 'yes ma'am' or 'no ma'am'... putting our dirty clothes in the 'hamper'... throwing our own trash away... asking to be excused instead of just getting down from the table... sitting on our bottoms in our seat... etc. etc.

you know... manners stuff. that all three year olds are dying to learn, right?

and some things are a battle. some times i feel like an everlasting broken record. as in, i almost get tired of hearing myself saying it. or should i say i do get tired of hearing myself say it.

but nevertheless, i want him to learn. i want him to respect authority. so i keep on. 

with, mostly, not much progress.

but on sunday, when jeff went to get him up from his naptime {that we are growing very close to dropping} he had already made his bed. 

so sweet. 

we went on and on about how proud we were of him for making his bed.
by himself.
without being told to.

maybe. just maybe. he's listening. 

maybe. just maybe. i'm doing something right. 

those tangible things.... they go a long way for a tired mommy. 

so... about that 'made' bed? 

this is what it looked like. 


you didn't think he really made it... like for real... right? 

we for sure made him think that he did.  

{and then we worked on pulling the covers extra tight.}

love that little guy to pieces!


Casey said...

Oh my goodness, so very sweet! I love that he did it on his own. Such a big boy!

The Links said...

I love that PB bedspread!!