Thursday, August 04, 2011

project life.

i am SO excited to share project life with you this week.

not because my layout is that great... or anything i'm terribly excited about.

in fact, i had to scramble to come up with some things for this week.... but it's all good. the heat is enough to talk about.

oh yeah - see that pink piece of paper? it's a place holder for a picture from jeff's phone i need to get developed. so yes, i know it's there!

the reason i'm so excited is that i have a few success stories to share with you!!

i know that you roll your eyes every thursday {or friday} when i post project life.

i know that you say "yeah, right it's that easy." or "she has too much time on her hands..."

BUT i also know that secretly YOU want to document your memories too. in a hard copy. something tangible. something to hold on to when you're 90.

but you're busy. girl, i get it! you have so much going on that you have no idea how you'd even get to the store to pick up your pictures much less 'scrapbook'.

and instead of telling you {yet again} how easy this is... and how it literally can take me 10 minutes to put a week together... i'm going to send you to some other places to listen. and be sure to listen... for real this time.

first, meet katie dotson. a sorority sister of mine at baylor and a sister-in-law of one of my dear friends from church. {hi lindsay! we miss you!!}

she didn't know where to start.... since it was april when she first heard of project life. so... she decided to start at her son's {so cute, by the way} first birthday. And now her binders will be year-to-year that way!

next, there's amanda. another sorority sister of mine {who adopted the sweet puppy jeff bought for me one year and i decided it was too much...}

she just started last week. after having ordered her suppplies a long time ago - she kept having second thoughts about getting started. {even though katie and i both told her not to!} but she came across a stack of pictures that she had ordered a while back and that jumpstarted the process for her!

she pointed out that the BEST thing about the binder format is that you can go backward or forward however you'd like... nothing is 'glued down' so you can always go back and rearrange and add...

check her out! {it's on facebook so i don't know if everyonce can see...}

and lastly, there's jen.

oh, jen.

she was my RA {is that even what you called it?} my freshman year at baylor in the dorm. we go to church together, although now we're in different classes, and we occasionally talk 'work' stuff. {she has the cutest shop at the frisco mercantile in frisco & at spice in waco... twisted simplicity. check them out on facebook!}

anyway. she was also one of those that ordered her stuff & kept putting off doing it. if you read her post, she even had her pictures printed! {ummm... julie? does this sound familiar??}

she has caught up on SIX MONTHS of pictures {yes SIX} in two nights. and she has two little girls... and owns three shops... in three different yeah.

so. there you have it! THREE other people who are addicted as i am - and say it's as easy as i said it was!!! for real!!!

if you've been living under a rock and have NO idea what project life is - it's a product created by BECKY HIGGINS. {she is a miracle worker, wouldn't you agree?} the kit that i got is sold out - but she has updates on the upcoming products here. and they sound AWESOME!!!!

if you want to get started - check out this post for all of the information on making your own 'kit'.

what are you waiting for??? {you know who i'm talking to....}get started!

1 comment:

Kim said...

I have one question. How do you cut your pictures to fit so perfectly and with the fun rounded edges. I am thinking about starting one soon, but have to find one first = (