Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Thoughts on Pregnancy

This morning was a new morning for me... I have now officially turned over a new leaf. I found the strength to GENUINELY pray that God would give us our Little Brady in HIS perfect timing... not my earthly timing. Now, don't get me wrong, I have been praying for this for some time now, but I felt like this morning was the first morning that I genuinely had a peace about praying that instead of praying that he would come... um.... today? or yesterday maybe? or maybe tomorrow? Every time I've come to Him, I've asked for a specific time, but we all know that is not how our God works most times.

So here I am, having turned over a new leaf, and I get to work and I hear of TWO people that were due after I was, that have had their baby! Can you say aggravation? I tried desperately not get a little agitated and I went on with my morning, dwelling on the peace I had felt this morning during my little prayer time with the Lord! As I'm dwelling on this, I couldn't help but think about all the things that I will MISS about being pregnant.... yes, I said MISS. Although this list may be short at the moment, it definitely is special!!

At the top of the list HAS to be feeling him move and grow inside my belly. Although sometimes this is uncomfortable, unsettling, and disrupts my REM cycle, it truly is one of the most blessed things about carrying a child. This would go at the top of Jeff's list to, I believe, because he loves to feel our little boy kick around my stomach. (Of course, I believe these little "kicks" aren't actually kicks at all, but rather his arm motioning as if he were throwing the football to T.O. on the football field!)

The next thing on my list would have to be the way people treat you when they know you're pregnant. It really is fun being able to start a conversation with almost anybody in a split second. Whether we're in the mall, 7-11, or at church, people who you would never in the world dream were interested, all of a sudden have a million questions for you and your spouse. I also love the awkward moments that inevitably come when a guy doesn't know what to say to you. (Did anyone catch Ryan Seacrest interviewing Jessica Alba at the Oscars?) People truly go out of their way to help you with your groceries, open the door for you, and make sure that you are comfortable.

The last thing (for now anyway) would have to be how wonderful my husband has been to me. Now... please don't read this the wrong way.... he's always been wonderful, but now it's just an Extra-Special Wonderful that has brought me to appreciate him in a whole new light. He has been tremendously caring... not ever letting me pick something up that I've dropped on the floor, going grocery shopping with me--- or even FOR me, folding my laundry (which he probably did anyway), and making me peanut butter and jelly sandwiches at all hours of the day! I know that he is ready for this season to be over as much as I am, but he is the one that has been a real trooper. He has completely embraced my weepiness and my silliness... and all the gross and real things that come along with pregnancy. He even offered to paint my toenails! (My mom took me to get a pedicure instead.... but nonetheless, he DID offer). My new nasty habit that I've picked up is apparently snoring. (This one has just been in the last week). And whenever it's loud enough to wake him up, he'll gently let me know that I need to roll over so as not to snore anymore! What a husband!? :)

So all of this to say--- that as excited as I am to meet our Little Man, I am going to miss being pregnant too--- maybe not for the first few months.... but eventually! Sorry to write a book today, I just had to share!

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