Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Mommy is a Trickster!

That's right, I tricked you, Little B.

Tuesday, last week, we went for B's 1-year shots and check up. We had to cancel and reschedule a few times after Brady got sick and then a nurse was out, etc. and I had determined that I would hold off weaning from a bottle to a sippy cup until after that round of shots - which was supposed to be horrible.

Brady has notoriously done great with his sippy cup - with water and juice, that is. I'd tried milk a few times before and he would throw his sippy on the ground and cry and look at me like, "Momma, are you crazy? Milk does NOT go in there!" So, Wednesday morning I was going to be done. Cold Turkey.

It was a mad house. Temper tantrums galore. He wouldn't do pack and play time, he wouldn't play by himself he wouldn't eat his breakfast, he wanted his bottle. I knew this was going to be the worst time of day to give it up because we like to cuddle in bed and I drink my coffee, he drinks his WARM bottle, we watch cartoons and play with Georgia for 30 minutes or so before starting the day. So, he was not having any part of the sippy.

Finally he got over it and at lunch, he did a little better about throwing a fit for the bottle, but he still wouldn't take the sippy with the milk. I even got a different sippy cup and put juice in it, but I guess he now didn't even want that. (I am out of my mind afraid of dehydration again from our past experiences).

During his afternoon nap, I was making some chocolate chip cookies, and as I ate one fresh out of the oven, I thought to myself... "I need a glass of milk to wash this down with... AHA!!!"

You guessed it. When B. got up from his afternoon nap, the cookies were still warm and I gave him one for a snack. He devoured it (while making a mess) and thought it was so fun. He kept making 'yummmmm' noises. When he was all done, I gave him his sippy cup with ice cold milk in it. Guess what... he chugged it!! Yay for warm chocolate chip cookies!

"Look what I have, Mommy!?"

The milk tastes so good!

(I love his little curl).

"Wait a second - I think this was a trick!"


Olson Family said...

GREAT idea! I would have never thought of that! Clever mommy....

The Drama Mama said...

He is just the sweetest thing! And that curl is precious!!

Kendra said...

What a funny, funny glad it worked!