Friday, June 04, 2010

14/15/16 week stats:

how far along? 16 weeks, 3 days
total weight gain/loss? -4 pounds
maternity clothes? we did break out my maternity clothes box last week - and i washed all of THREE shirts that weren't long sleeve and TWO pairs of pants that aren't wool or wintery. lucky for me, my sweet friend, terri {you have to go to her blog - knox is the cutest}, emailed me last week and informed me that she was putting her spring/summer clothes in the mail for me. super duper sweet, huh? i did break out the maternity bathing suit last week for the pool.
stretch marks?
i thought i spied a few last week and kind of freaked. i didn't get any until the last two weeks {when i was 5 days overdue, i might add - and, at the time, extremely upset with my OB}... but come to find out, they were just scratches from georgia.
sleep? ummm... no naps really anymore, which is nice, but i've been waking up 1-2 times to empty my bladder. no fun. last night i ran into two doors. {i usually keep my eyes closed and lights off, so as to not wake up any more than i already have to}.
best moment this week? {last week, actually} hearing the heartbeat and scheduling my next sono!!!!!! {the big one!}
movement? well, i've felt a few little flutters here and there when i've had my hand on my belly, but i wouldn't say it's definite movement yet. i will say that i have started to have feelings eerily similar to braxton hicks contractions last week. {yes, i was only 15 weeks!}. last pregnancy i had them around 20 weeks all the way to the end - and then, they were almost constant. i was a bit nervous about it, but in asking my OB, he assured me that in the second pregnancy, everything is going to come a lot sooner, harder and last longer {and be more uncomfortable} than the first. joy.
food cravings? slurpees... and only the kind that my hubbs makes. a lot of cherry and just the right amount of coke. {i've tried making them and seriously, i can't do it like he does!}. he's my hero! {i think i've been saying that a lot lately - but really, he is}.
gender predictions? okay, i'm still thinking it's a girl, BUT, i need to share something here. of course, selfishly, i want a girl... badly. we both do. i want tutus, lace, ribbons, bows and baby dolls... what girl doesn't have a part of her that wants to paint tiny toenails, right? BUT, in the last week or so, I've really come to grips with the fact that although i don't really want to be pregnant again, {i really can't even grasp the concept right now!}, we both really don't want BLT to be our last baby. {like that nickname? baby leach number two! thanks, beck!} and, we've been hanging around a friend of ours who has two boys {ages 2 1/2 and 6}, and is pregnant with her third boy. brady thinks that they've hung the moon, seriously. it made me really, really want a little brother for brady. but we shall see. either way, we're going to be ecstatic. and after this last week, i can honestly say that.
what i miss: j. and i had talked about going to six flags this summer - as a date - but of course, i can't now. i can't ride roller coasters, water slides, wave runners or horses {that was on my 30 list}. thinking about it {which i don't often} makes me sad.
what i'm looking forward to: finding out the gender.
how are you feeling? pretty good - i'm finally having MOSTLY good days. that's nice.
comparisons to last pregnancy? i think i've talked about this enough already in this post. read above! :)
milestones? well, i'm not sure this is a milestone, but i wanted to write it down. when i went to the doc last week, my blood pressure was really low. 90/30. normally it's around 110 or 120/60. i just got the phone call though, that all of my blood work was normal, so i'm a little relieved, not that there was too much to worry about there.

1 comment:

Terri said...

I think the package is set to arrive today?! Hope you like it all - and I mean - ALL :).