Wednesday, June 09, 2010


last wednesday, i was determined to document our entire day. i've tried this a few times before but either get lazy or i forget... but wednesday i stuck it out strong.

{i've been in mega-documentation mode lately. i want to savor everything so i can remember what it was like having only one child... and so i can remember it accurately - meltdowns and all!!}

here goes:

'good morning, brady!'

he's into this thing lately where he likes me to put him back to sleep... cover him up with a blanket, sing and rub his back. then when i stop he pops right back up and is ready to get on with the day!

i got a late start - but i still wanted to make monkey bread for breakfast so we'd have something to eat off of the next few days.

we had to have a 'snack' breakfast while we waited.


coloring after we eat... watching 'chuggington'.

time for independent play - b's grown to love this {as do i}, especially now that i put a timer in there.

just enough time for me to pack our lunches, get dressed and get the car ready for pool time with friends!

meltdown number 1: not pictured. did not like sharing his toys at the pool. i attribute this to not eating lunch because he was too distracted by the pool.

meltdown number 2: not pictured. in the car on the way home from the pool he threw a pretzel at me. i promptly pulled over and took his snack bag away. begin meltdown.

nap time for brady, laundry for me.

more laundry.

unload dishwasher.

blog stalk, starbucks treat.

wake up, snack time.

popsicle - yum.

decides he wants mommy's snack instead.


storm rolls in.

bath time.

*original plan was to grill hot dogs, but storm deters plan and daddy's arrival home. improvise with chicken nuggets*

daddy's home!!!


daddy grills for mommy while b. gets dirty yet again playing outside.

time for bed. not happy. meltdown number 3.

more laundry for mommy.



Yocumotion said...

fun!!!! love this
AND i need that monkey bread recipe..please :)

Stephanie said...

hmmm... sounds about like my pre-savannah days... ahh... savor it, girl. savor it!

Elizabeth said...

b - he's soooo cute - meltdowns and ALL! I love hearing your write about him - I can imagine what JM will be like - I love it!

Amber said...

LOVE your pillows on your couch!! you need to take pics of your whole house...or i just need to come see!