Monday, June 14, 2010

17 week stats.

how far along? 17 weeks, 6 days
total weight gain/loss? -3 pounds
maternity clothes? ummm, yes please. i received the best surprise last week on my front porch! a box of beautiful maternity clothes from columbus, geogia!! thank you terri! i totally reorganized my closet - so now i have an official 'maternity' section. i pushed everything that is non maternity or that i can't squeeze into comfortably to the side, and now right in the middle is all that i CAN wear! yay! {i did make a mistake yesterday - i wore some pants that were a size and a half to big for me non-pregnant, but they had a draw string so i thought i'd be just fine since i could button them. halfway through church, i was about to suffocate! i should have known better to wear that belly band thing!}
stretch marks?
not any yet! thank goodness!
sleep? some nights i don't move an inch, and some nights i can't get my mind to stop.
best moment this week? the nesting feeling has kicked in... in high gear. i know it's super early, but i didn't really have this feeling with the bug, so i'm taking full advantage. we also have TWO rooms to plan this time and the plan will be different depending on gender. so i'm doing my best this week to get everything organized so we can start on the bug's big boy room as soon as we find out next week!! {ahhhh! so exciting!!!!!}
movement? last saturday at the gaylord, when we were laying by the pool, i felt definite movement. each day since then, it's only gotten stronger and more frequent. i really feel it in the mornings and at night when i'm laying down. just little kicks here and there. oh, how i love this sweet baby.
food cravings? **new craving alert** planters cheese balls. BUT, unfortunately they don't make them anymore! what?! that's right, those delicious cheese puff balls that were in a blue can with a yellow lid have been taken off the market!!!! how dare they?! so - i've been on a national search for these suckers... not even planters, but just cheese balls. and yes, i've tried all the cheese puffs but they. don't. do. it. {p.s. as i've 'tweeted' about this, i've found out that many other pregnant people share this same craving... exactly. these planters people should be taking advantage of our hormones, shouldn't they!? if they knew what was profitable for them, they would!!!!}
gender predictions? still thinking it's a girl, Lord, help us. if it is, our life savings will be out the door before i can blink. the hubbs has already told me how much he's going to spoil her, and i went with a sweet friend yesterday baby shopping {she's due next week} and she bought all sorts of bows and headbands.... i mean, seriously. i was about to buy some for myself, they were so darn cute. we'll see though. we find out next wednesday! {have i already mentioned that?!}
what i miss: being in shape. i'm not going to elaborate on this one because i don't want to hear everyone's comments, but i'm totally bummed that i've lost what i worked so hard for. i'm trying to give myself a break because i was so sick and tired the first two months, and now it's SO hot - but i need to get back on it, somehow.
what i'm looking forward to: being able to actually nest - not just plan on nesting.
how are you feeling? mostly good... energy level is good on most days, as well as appetite and nausea. i'm starting to have lots of pressure and braxton hicks - which is 'totally normal' according to the doctor - but still not fun. oh well...
comparisons to last pregnancy? at 17 weeks, already feel head over heels for our sweet blt. i feel completely and totally bonded with this baby already, yet with brady, as i've talked so often before, i don't feel like i truly bonded with him until he was 6 or 9 months old. {i know, horrible mom, right?} but it's the truth. i totally struggled last time, but this time, although it's scary to think of two kiddos, i know i'll survive. i may not shower or sleep for days at a time, but i'll survive. i may be tired for the rest of my life, but i'll survive. i'm in a totally different place in my life and in my walk with the lord than i was last time i was pregnant, so i have to attribute a lot of my feelings to that. i have so many precious friends now who have gone before me in this journey, that i didn't have before... and i love that. girflfriends are so important. {whether they're far away or physically near - just an encouraging 'you can do this' on the phone is so helpful}. i'm so excited for baby to be here... as crazy as life is going to get. {and i'm not sugar coating it, i know it will be crazy - i guess, this time around, i just know i can do it}.
milestones? i'm thinking that feelings blt kicking and moving around is a pretty big milestone, huh?

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

oh gosh - I have been having LOTS of BH contractions and pressure too. I haven't even called the nurse - b/c I just assumed it was normal? And probably from lugging JM around? And I TOO have been nesting!! SO BIZARREEEEE. Our closets are allll cleaned out, sparkling clean, and super organized. What?!?! Ummm...I am getting weirdly jealous of ALL THESE PEOPLE THAT KNOW THE GENDER BEFORE ME who are weeks behind me prego!!! Why does everyone else get 18 week, 16 week sonograms?!?!? Ahhhh!!!