Monday, September 13, 2010

first game.

no. this is NOT about how ridiculous the cowboys played last night.

no. this is NOT about how stressed i get {especially while pregnant} watching the cowboys play sloppy & dumb.

no. this is NOT about how i had a dream last night that we actually did win.

nope. this isn't is NOT about THAT game.

this IS about the hubbs taking b. to his very first 'big boy' baseball game. he's been to a few roughriders games but never a rangers game.

they lasted through the 5th inning. it was boring until the 7th anyway. nothing was happening. 3 up, 3 down. jeff said he did great, he just started really wanting to walk around.

i'm so thankful b. loves sports already. he was born into a sports-lovin' family for sure.

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