Friday, September 03, 2010


wow. i am so behind in my blog-posting! i've been procrastinating because i have a hundred pictures to load and my computer is almost full.... which means i will be deleting and saving before loading. what a pain!?

anyway..... last friday, we kept one of our dear friends all day... pierce. {or as brady likes to call him "tearce"!

we had talked the day before about sharing our toys - and we did pretty good, i must admit. it wasn't as bad as i thought it was going to be for brady. he only had to sit in time out one time during the morning.

vi broke out the double stroller and we went to the park with another friend of ours, kate. the weather was really nice so the boys played outside a lot, which made the morning go by fast.

we fixed lunch and i let them watch yo gabba gabba while they ate. what a treat?!

by lunchtime, they were incredibly sandy from the sandbox so i threw them in the tub before naps. brady thought it was hilarious.

we had such fun!!!

in other news, i found out last week that i had somehow gotten off a week in my pregnancy count. so i 'turned' 29 weeks on tuesday. {my doctor confirmed this just to make sure i wasn't wrong again}. i thought i was 30 weeks. ugh. not a good feeling. he assured me that this is common when you already have a child though. i immediately signed up for those baby center deals just to make sure i don't get mixed up again.

i've been desperately {and frantically} trying to figure out a new routine - which has been part of the reason for my absence this week. with school starting, brady isn't getting much of a nap on tuesday/thursday {ok, no nap at all} and by 5:00 he is a terror. {or he was yesterday and tuesday}.

we have also hit our stride in the 'terrible twos'. whew. so i'm preparing to change some things up starting next week... and i'm really excited about it. i think brady responds well to structure and routine so we're going to try reigning him in that way starting next week. more to come on that.

i've also started charlotte's bedding. i'm almost done with the ties. what a monotonous task!? i'm really excited about the whole thing - i think i can do it, but there are 32 ties that must be sewed, turned inside out and then pressed. it's a lot of turning. my goal was to get it done by the end of august but ha.... no. i am only able to work during nap time - and although this is another story - i'm beat during nap time. so we'll see how i manage getting it all done.

okay - so that's enough.... but i hope everyone is planning on doing something fun for labor day! i can't believe college football is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i told jeff that tuesday night he's going to come home to some chili, a pumpkin candle and candy corn/peanuts for dessert.

i love fall.

1 comment:

jmc said...

i love love love all these pics of the boys! they are just too cute together. thanks again for watching p. i want watch brady sometime for you! hope you had fun at the lake! happy fall to you, sweet friend!!