Wednesday, September 15, 2010

pregnancy stats.

how far along? 31 weeks, 0 days.
total weight gain/loss? +13 pounds {officially}
maternity clothes? i did just get my fall maternity clothes out of my box last week. i really don't like maternity clothes, have i mentioned that? some are really cute - but they manage to be uncomfortable. the ones that are ugly are the ones that are comfy. is it possible to dress stylish this late in pregnancy??? i hope so. i have my high school reunion in a few weeks.
stretch marks? i think i may have two small ones - on my back of all places. they may be scratches from georgia - but i can't tell.
sleep? ummm.... no sleep that is restful. i've taken tylenol pm a few nights because my back has been hurting so bad, but even then, my mind is going 100 mph and i can't get to sleep. i remember going in phases... a week of great sleep a week of terrible sleep... last time. i also am terribly hot at night. even with the fan blowing on high in my face. even with the temperatures cooling down - i'm still not cooling down.
best moment this week? the hubbs and i accomplished a lot on our to-do list on saturday so that just might be it. i'm so glad that i'm knocking things off one by one, as the list seems to grow with every day that passes. i love decorating for fall and i'm FINALLY able to do it - so that's a great moment too?!
movement? all.the.time. it looks {sometimes} like an alien has taken over my stomach as it moves like there's no tomorrow!
food cravings? anything sweet. that's all i want to eat. nothing else. cold & sweet.
what i miss: energy. & the sad thing is that i won't have this for a long time. like for 18 years... and i'm missing it already.
what i'm looking forward to: completing charlotte's bedding! we're almost there... hoping that in the next few days i'll knock this one off the list too!
how are you feeling? hmmm... energy level is low. nausea is sort of coming back. i'm starting to swell.... not too bad, but enough to notice. my feet are aching at the end of the day... sometimes they feel like they're falling asleep. i'm feeling overwhelmed & overjoyed at the thought of having two little ones running around.
comparisons to last pregnancy? i am SOOOOO much more sentimental with this one. not even so much with miss c., but with brady. on friday, i heard a stupid country song on the radio and started bahling. i mean, i could not get myself under control. seriously. it's such a sweet and fun song... it really is, and i think brad paisley is a genius. i know that he wrote this about his little boy, but let me tell you that jeff could have EASILY written these exact words for brady. {i've posted it below so you can listen to it}. i mean everything is just like jeff. the skipping class, football being his first love - until me, the speeding tickets being paid off by mowing grass.... everything. and the college part just got me. i mean - that's 16+ years away and honestly - i can't wait to be just jeff and i again - but man, put those thoughts to music, add a pregnant woman and you've got a recipe for a meltdown!
milestones? i've started having a few real contractions here & there. i've been told this is normal... i didn't have ANY last time... so i wasn't quite sure they were real as opposed to BH. but when the tornadoes came through last week & my hubby was on his way home in the direct path of the tornado - i was sure they were real. i couldn't catch my breath! thankfully 24 hours later they were completely gone - although the BH ones stuck around a little longer. ugh.

okay - so here's the song i lost it too. i LOVE it... i really do, i just can't listen to it while pregnant.

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