Wednesday, September 08, 2010

a look at labor day.

i can't believe it's already a week into september... and that labor day has already come and gone.

yesterday i woke up to the reality that charlotte will be here in two months... and that there's still so much to get done.

to be honest, a little panic set in.

then it was over, i made a to-do list and prioritized. praying for energy to get it done so i can relax with the hubbs at night and on the weekends...

okay - enough of that. onto something fun:

it's taking forever to sort through and edit my pictures from our fun labor day weekend with my family. it's low on my priority list right now, however, i have a few favorites i must share.

i'll go into detail about our 'trip' later, but to sum it up - it was relaxing, busy, we had cool weather and that was awesome. we got out of the city for a few days and it was SO good to get away. again - i will be sure to tell more later.

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